169. MEALS, regular, iii. 305. Medea, at the Opera-house, iii. 91, n. 2. MEDICATED BATHS, ii. 99. MEDICINE, medical knowledge from abroad, i. 367. See under JOHNSON, physic. Meditation on a Pudding, v. 352. MEDITERRANEAN, The, grand object of travelling, iii. 36, 456; subject for a poem, iii. 36. MEEKE, Rev. Mr., i. 272, 274. MELANCHOLY, acuteness not a proof of, iii. 87; constitutional, v. 381; foolish to indulge it, iii. 135; madness, allied to, iii. 175; remedies against it, 'Be not solitary, be not idle,' iii. 415; employment and hardships, iii. 176, 180, 368; exercise, i. 64, 446; hidden, should be, iii. 368, 421; moderation in eating and drinking, i. 446; iii. 5; occupation of the mind and society, i. 446; ii. 423; iii. 5; thinking it down madness, ii. 440; retreats for the mind, as many as possible, ib.; some men free from it, iii. 5. See BOSWELL, hypochondria, and JOHNSON, melancholy. MELANCHTHON, Boswell's letter from his tomb, ii. 3, n. 1; iii. 118, 122, n. 2; punctuality, his, i. 32; 'the old religion,' ii. 105; iii. 122, n. 2. MELCHISEDEC, an authority on the law of entail, ii. 414, n. 2; Warburton's reply to Lowth's version of his story, v. 423. MELMOTH, William (Pliny), at Bath, iii. 422; belief in a particular Providence, iv. 272, n. 4; Fitzosborne's Letters, iii. 424; reduced to whistle, ib. MELTING-DAYS, ii. 337. MELVILLE, Viscount. See under DUNDAS, Henry. MEMIS, Dr., a litigious physician, ii. 291, 296; iii. 95, 101; Johnson's argument in his case, ii. 372. Memoirs of Frederick III [II], King of Prussia, i. 308. Memoirs of Miss Sydney Biddulph, i. 358, n. 4, 389. Memoirs of Scriblerus. See ARBUTHNOT. Memorials of Westminster Abbey. See STANLEY, DEAN. MEMORY, art of attention, iv. 126, n. 6; failure of it, iii. 191; morbid oblivion, v. 68; remembering and recollecting distinguished, iv. 126; scenes improve by it, v. 333; tricks played by it, v. 68. See under JOHNSON, memory. MEN, have the upper hand of women, iii. 52. See MANKIND. MENAGE, Gilles, Bayle's character of him, iv. 428, n. 2; Menagiana, epigram on the Molinists and the Jansenists, iii. 341, n. 1; puns on corps and fort, ii. 241; Queen of France and the hour, iii. 322, n. 3. MENANDER, quoted, iii. 9, n. 3. MENTAL DISEASES. See MELANCHOLY. MENZIES, Mr., of Culdares, v. 394. MERCHANTS, Addison's Sir Andrew Freeport, v. 328; Chatham praises fair merchants, v. 327, n. 4; compared with Scotch landlords, i. 409; munificence in spending, iv. 4; 'a new species of gentleman,' i. 491, n. 3. Mercheta Mulierum, v. 320. MERCIER, L.S., ii. 366, n. 2. MERIT, weighed against money, i. 440-3; men of merit, iv. 172. MERRIMENT, scheme of it hopeless, i. 331, n. 5. .Messiah, Johnson's Latin version of Pope's, i. 61. METAPHORS, their excellence, iii. 174; inaccuracy, iv. 386, n. 1. Metaphysical defined, ii. 259, n. 3. METAPHYSICAL POETS, iv. 38. METAPHYSICAL TAILOR, a, iii. 443; iv. 187. METAPHYSICS, Burke's inaptitude for them, i. 472, n. 2; Johnson fond of them, i. 70; withheld from studying them, v. 109, n. 3. METASTASIO, iii. 162, n. 4. METCALFE, Philip, described by Miss Burney, iv. 159, n. 2; Johnson's charity, anecdote of, iv. 132; with him at Brighton, ii. 133, n. 1; iv. 159-60; Reynolds's executor, iv. 159, n. 2; Round-Robin, signs the, iii. 83, n. 3. METHOD, life to be thrown into a, iii. 94. METHODISTS, bitterness, their, v. 392; cannot explain their excellence, v. 392; Cock Lane Ghost, adopt the, i. 407, n. 1; convicts, effects on, iv. 329; Dodd's Address, offended by, iii. 121; Johnson consulted by two young women, ii. 120; Humphry Clinker, mentioned in, ii. 123, n. 2; Hypocrite, The, ii. 321; inward light, ii. 126; Moravians, quarrel with the, iii. 122, n. 1; origin of the name, i. 458, n. 3; Oxford, expulsion of six from, ii. 187; rise of the sect, i. 68, n. 1; sincere, how far, ii. 123; success in preaching, i. 458; ii. 123; v. 391-2; term of reproach, i. 458, n. 3; Wales, in, v. 451. METTERNICH, Prince, iv. 27, n. 1. MEYER, Dr., ii. 253, n. 2. MEYNELL, 'old,' Johnson intimate with his family, i. 82; saying about foreigners, i. 115, n. 1; iv. 15; about London, iii. 379. MEYNELL, Miss (Mrs. Fitzherbert), i. 83. MICKLE, William Julius, account of him, ii. 182, n. 3; Boswell and Johnson dine with him at Wheatley, iv. 308; Cumnor Hall and Sir Walter Scott, v. 349, n. 1; Garrick, quarrel with, ii. 182, n. 3; v. 349, n. 1; Johnson, never had a rough word from, iv. 250; Lusiad, The, ii. 182; dispute with Johnson about it, iv. 250; mentioned, iii. 37. MICROSCOPES, ii. 38. MICYLLUS, v. 430. MIDDLE AGES, iv. 133, 170. MIDDLE CLASS, absence of it abroad, ii. 402, n. 1; in France, ii. 394, 402; in Scotland, ib., n. 1; happy in England, ii. 402. MIDDLE STATE after death, i. 240; ii. 105; v. 356. MIDDLESEX, Earl of, i. 367. MIDDLESEX, Under-sheriff and Dr. Shebbeare, iii.