427, n. 1. PROTESTANTISM, converts to it, ii. 106. PROVIDENCE, entails not an encroachment on his dominions, ii. 420, 421; his hand seen in the breaking of a rope, v. 104; a particular providence, iv. 272, n. 4. PROVISIONS, carrying, to a man's house, v. 73. Provoked Husband, The, or The Journey to London, ii. 48, 50; iv. 284. PRUDENCE, 'Nullum numen,' &c., iv. 180. PRUSSIA, Queen of, (the mother of Frederick the Great), iv. 107, n. 1. PSALM 36, v. 444. PSALMANAZAR, George, account of him, Appendix A, iii. 443-9; arrives in London, iii. 444, 447; at Oxford, iii. 445, 449; birth, education, and wanderings, iii. 446-7; writes his Memoirs, iii. 445; Club in Old Street, his, iv. 187; Complete System of Geography, article in the, iii. 445; Description of Formosa, iii. 444; hypocrisy, never free from, iii. 444; 448-9; Innes, Dr., aided in his fraud by, i. 359; invention of his name, iii. 447; Johnson sought after him, iii. 314; respected him as much as a Bishop, iv. 274; Spectator, ridiculed in the, iii. 449. PUBLICATIONS, spurious, ii. 433. Publick Advertiser, i. 300; ii. 46, n. 2, 71, n. 2, 93, n. 3. PUBLIC AFFAIRS vex no man, iv. 220. See ENGLAND. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, ii. 169. Public dinners, iv. 367, n. 3. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, iii. 53. PUBLIC JUDGMENT. See WORLD. Public Ledger, iii. 113, n. 3. PUBLIC LIFE, eminent figure made in it with little superiority of mind, iv. 178. PUBLIC OVENS, ii. 215. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. See SCHOOLS. PUBLIC SPEAKING, ii. 139, 339. Public Virtue, iv. 20. PUBLIC WORSHIP, i. 418, n. 1; iv. 414, n. 1. PUBLISHERS. See BOOKSELLERS. Pudding, Meditation on a, v. 352. PUFFENDORF, corporal punishment, ii. 157; Introduction to History, iv. 311; not in practice as a lawyer, ii. 430. PULPIT, liberty of the, iii. 59, 91. PULSATION, effect on life, iii. 34. PULTENEY, William. See BATH, Earl of. PUNCH, bowl of, i. 334. PUNCTUATION, Lyttelton's History of Henry II, iii. 32, n. 5. PUNIC WAR, iii. 206, n. 1. PUNISHMENT, eternal, iii. 200; iv. 299. PUNS, 'dignifying a pun,' v. 32, n. 3. Johnson's contempt for them, ii. 241; iv. 316; Boswell's approval of them, ib.; one in Menagiana, ii. 241. See under BURKE and JOHNSON. PUNSTER, defined, ii. 241, n. 2. PURCELL, Thomas, ii. 343. PURGATORIANS, ii. 162. PURGATORY, ii. 104, 163. See MIDDLE STATE. PUTNEY, ii. 444. PYE, Henry James, poet laureate, i. 185, n. 1. PYM, John, member of Broadgates Hall, i. 75, n. 3; mentioned, ii. 118. PYRAMIDS of Egypt, iii. 352. PYTHAGOREAN DISCIPLINE, iii. 261.
QUACK DOCTORS, iii. 389. QUAKERS, Boswell loves their simplicity, ii. 457; Johnson liked individual Quakers, but not the sect, ii. 458; on their objection to fine clothes, iii. 188, n. 4; many a man a Quaker without knowing it, ii. 457; Pennsylvanian Quakers, vote of, iv. 212, n. 1; proselyte, a young, iii. 298; slavery, abolitionists of, ii. 478; soldiers, clothing to the, iv. 212; texts, literal interpretation of, iv. 211; tythes and persecution inseparable, v. 423; women preaching, i. 463. See under KNOWLES, Mrs. Qualifying a wrong, iii. 63, n. 1. Qualitied, iv. 174. QUALITY, women of, iii. 353. Queen Elizabeth's Champion, v. 241, n. 2. QUEEN'S ARMS CLUB, iv. 87. QUEEN'S HOUSE LIBRARY, ii. 33. QUEENSBERRY, family of, iii. 163. QUEENSBERRY, Duke of, Gay and the Beggar's Opera, ii. 368. QUEENY (Miss Thrale), iii. 422, n. 4; v. 451. Quem Deus vult perdere, &c., ii. 445, n. 1; iv. 181. QUESTIONING, ii. 472; iii. 57, 268. QUIN, James, Bath, praises, iii. 45, n. 1; Beggar's Opera, anecdote of the, ii. 368; Falstaff, his, iv. 243, n. 6; kings and January 30, v. 382, n. 2; Thomson, intimacy with, iii. 117, n. 2; vanity, his, iii. 264. QUINTILIAN, iv. 35. QUIXOTE, Don. See under CERVANTES. Quos Deus null perdere, prius dementat, ii. 445, n. 1; iv. 181. QUOTATION, the parole of literary men, iv. 102. QUOTATIONS, untraced, iv. 181. Quotidian, v. 345-6.
RABELAIS, Garagantua, iii. 256; surpassed by Johnson, ii. 231. Race, The, by Mercurius Spur, Esq., ii. 31. RACINE, 'goes round the world,' v. 311. RACKSTROW, Colonel, of the Trained Bands, iv. 319. RADCLIFFE, Charles, his execution, i. 180. RADCLIFFE, Dr., Master of Pembroke College, i. 271. RADCLIFFE, Dr. John, travelling fellowships, iv. 293. RADICALS, iii. 460. RALEIGH, Sir Walter, autograph letter, i. 227; Birch edits his smaller pieces, i. 226; execution, his, i. 180, n. 2; Johnson mentions his Works in the preface to his Dictionary, iii. 194, n. 2. RALPH, James, The Champion, i. 169, n. 2. Rambler, account of it, i. 201-226; contributors, i. 203, 208, n. 3; editions and sale, i. 208, 212, 255; Scotch edition, i. 210; revision of collected edition, i. 203, n. 6; publication, i. 202; sale of a sixteenth-share, ii. 208, n. 3; hastily written, i. 203; iii. 42; could be made better, iv. 309; hints for essays, i. 204-7; origin of the name, i. 202; style, i. 217; club in an Essex town incensed by it, i.