2; in The Stranger, iv. 244, n. 1. Side, ii. 155. SIDNEY, Algernon, ii. 210. SIDNEY, Sir Philip, as an authority for a Dictionary, iii. 194, n. 2; misprint in a quotation from him, iii. 131, n. 2. Sidney Biddulph, i. 358, n. 4, 389. Siege, a popular title for a play, iii. 259, n. 1; v. 349, n. 1. Siege of Aleppo, iii. 259, n. 1. Siege of Marseilles, v. 349, n. 1. SIENNA, iv. 373, n. 1. SIGHT of great buildings, ii. 385, 393. SIGNS, conversation by, ii. 247. SILENCE of Carthusians, absurd, ii. 435. SILK, v. 216. SILK-MILL, iii. 164. SILVER BUCKLES, iii. 325. SIMCO, John, iv. 421, n. 2. SIMILE, when made by the ancients, iii. 73. SIMPSON, Joseph, account of him, iii. 28; Johnson's letter to him, i. 346; mentioned, i. 488; ii. 476. SIMPSON, Thomas, the mathematician, i. 351, n. 1. SIMPSON, Rev. Mr., iii. 359. SIMPSON, Mr., of Lichfield (father of Joseph Simpson), i. 81, 346. SIMPSON, Mr., Town-clerk of Lichfield, iv. 372, n. 2. SIMPSON, Mr., of Lincoln, ii. 16. SIMPSON, Mr., owner of a vessel, v. 279-284, 286. SIN, balancing sins against virtues, iv. 398; heinous, ii. 172; original, iv. 123. SINCLAIR, Sir John, iv. 136. SINCLAIR, Robert, iii. 335, n. 1. SINCLAIR, Mr., stabbed by Savage, i. 125, n. 4. SINGULARITY, Johnson's dislike of it, ii. 74, n. 3; making people stare, ii. 74; the gentleman in The Spectator, ii. 75. See under AFFECTATION. SINNERS, chief of, iv. 294. SION HOUSE, iii. 400, n. 2. Sister, The, iv. 10, n. 1. SIXTEEN-STRING JACK, iii. 38. SIXTUS QUINTUS, V. 239. SKENE, General, v. 142, n. 2. SKENE, Sir John, iii. 414, n. 3. SKINNER, Stephen, i. 186. SLANDER, action for, iii. 64. SLATER, Mr., the druggist, iii. 68. SLAUGHTER'S COFFEE-HOUSE, i. 115, n. 1; iv. 15. SLAVES and SLAVERY, Bathurst, Dr., on it, iv. 28; Boswell's justification of it, iii. 200, 203-5, 212; drivers of negroes, iii. 201; England's guilt, ii. 479; Georgia, i. 127, n. 4; Grainger's Sugar Cane, i. 481, n. 4; Johnson's hatred of it, ii. 478-480; iii. 200-4; toast to an insurrection, ii. 478; iii. 200; religious education, ii. 27, n. 1; Slavetrade, abolition of it attempted, iii. 203-4; England's hypocrisy in upholding it, ii. 480; London Alderman's defence of it, iii. 203, n. 1; Walpole's, Horace, hatred of slavery, iii. 200, n. 4. See KNIGHT, Joseph, SOMERSET, James, and under SCOTLAND, serfs. SLEEP, quantity needful, iii. 169; sleep-walking, v. 46. SLEEPLESSNESS, 'light a candle and read,' iv. 409, n. 1. SLOE, 'bringing the sloe to perfection,' ii. 78. SLUYS, iii. 447. SMALBROKE, Dr., i. 134. SMALRIDGE, George, Bishop of Bristol, iii. 248. SMART, Christopher (Kit), account of him, i. 306, n. 1; Derrick, compared with, iv. 192; Hop Garden, ii. 454, n. 3; madness, i. 397; ii. 345; Rambler, praises the, i. 208, n. 3; Universal Visitor, contract about the, ii. 345; Johnson wrote for him, ib.; mentioned, iv. 183, n. 2. SMART, Mrs. Christopher, Johnson's letters to her, in. 454! iv. 358, n. 2. SMART, Mrs. Newton, iv. 8, n. 3. SMELT, Mr., iv. i, n. 1. SMITH, Adam, absence of mind, iv. 24, n. 2; Barnard's verses, mentioned iii, iv. 433; blank verse, dislikes, i. 427; Boswell attends his lectures, v. 19; praised by him, ib., n. 1; attacks his alliance with Hume, v. 30, n. 3; bounty on corn, iii. 232, n. 1; on herring-busses, v. 161, n. 1; composed slowly, v. 66, n. 3; conversation, iii. 307, n. 2; iv. 24, n. 2; decisive professorial manner, iv. 24; Glasgow and Brentford, iv. 186; v. 369; gold, importation of, iv. 104, n. 3; 'hotbed of genius,' raised in a, ii. 53, n. 1; Hume's Dialogues on Natural Religion, i. 268, n. 4; letter from, iv. 194, n. 1; Life, iii. 119; v. 30-2, 369, n. 5; suggested knocking of his head against, iii. 119; Johnson, altercation with, iii. 331; imaginary altercation, v. 369, n. 5; compared with, iv. 24, n. 2; Dictionary, reviews, i. 298, n. 2; knowledge of books, i. 71; meeting with, i. 427; preface to his Shakespeare, i. 496, n. 4; Literary Club, member of the, i. 479; iii. 128, n. 4; elected when the club had 'lost its select merit,' ii. 430, n. 1; Macdonald, Sir J., death of, i. 449, n. 2; Macpherson's Ossian, ii. 302, n. 2; Milton's shoe-latchets, v. 19; Oxford student, i. 503; iv. 391, n. 1; philosophers and porters, i. 102, n. 2; Professor of Logic, v. 369, n. 2; Professor of Moral Philosophy, v. 369, n. 3; Select Society, member of the, v. 393, n. 4; Theory of Moral Sentiments, v. 30, n.; Universities, reflection on English, iii. 13, n. 1, 14, n. 1; iv. 391. n. 1. Wealth of Nations, publication of, ii. 429-30; condemned by the Inquisition, i. 465, n. 1; Johnson's ignorance of it, ii. 430, n. 1; valued by Boswell, v. 30, n. 3. SMITH, Captain, iii. 362. SMITH, Edmund, expulsion from Oxford, ii. 187, n. 3; Life, quoted, i. 75, n. 5, 81; lines on Pococke, iii. 269. SMITH, General, Foote's Nabob, iii.