Advice To A Young Author Poem : Songs of the Road Poetry by Arthur Conan Doyle

Songs of the Road Poetry

Advice To A Young Author Poem


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Advice To A Young Author Poem

First begin
Taking in.
Cargo stored,
All aboard,
Think about
Giving out.
Empty ship,
Useless trip!

Never strain
Weary brain,
Hardly fit,
Wait a bit!
After rest
Comes the best.

Sitting still,
Let it fill;
Never press;
Nerve stress
Always shows.
Nature knows.

Critics kind,
Never mind!
Critics flatter,
No matter!
Critics curse,
None the worse.
Critics blame,
All the same!
Do your best.
Hang the rest!

Songs of the Road Poetry

I. — Songs of the Road Narrative Verses And Songs
A Hymn Of Empire Poem
Sir Nigel’s Song Poem
The Arab Steed Poem
A Post-Impressionist Poem
Empire Builders Poem
The Groom’s Encore Poem
The Bay Horse Poem
The Outcasts Poem
The End Poem
1902-1909 Poem
The Wanderer Poem
Bendy’s Sermon Poem

II. — Songs of the Road Philosophic Verses
Compensation Poem
The Banner Of Progress Poem
Hope Poem
Religio Medici Poem
Man’s Limitation Poem
Mind And Matter Poem
Darkness Poem

III — Songs of the Road Miscellaneous Verses
A Woman’s Love Poem
By The North Sea Poem
December’s Snow Poem
Shakespeare’s Expostulation Poem
The Empire Poem
A Voyage Poem
The Orphanage Poem
Sexagenarius Loquitur Poem
Night Voices Poem
The Message Poem
The Echo Poem
Advice To A Young Author Poem
A Lilt Of The Road Poem

Songs of the Road Poetry

More Arthur Conan Doyle Poems