Enigma Poem
Enigma Poem by Edgar Allan Poe Baltimore Saturday Visiter, Feb. 2, 1833 For the Baltimore Visiter The noblest name in Allegory’s page, The hand that traced inexorable rage; A pleasing moralist whose page refined, Displays the deepest knowledge of the mind; A tender poet of a foreign tongue, (Indited in the language that he sung.) […]
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The Valley Nis Poem
The Valley Nis Poem by Edgar Allan Poe Far away — far away — Far away — as far at least Lies that valley as the day Down within the golden east — All things lovely — are not they Far away — far away ? It is called the valley Nis. And a Syriac […]
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To Isaac Lea Poem
To Isaac Lea Poem by Edgar Allan Poe It was my choice or chance or curse To adopt the cause for better or worse And with my worldly goods & wit And soul & body worship it —- From a letter to Isaac Lea, about May 26, 1829. A facsimile of this manuscript, as part […]
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