The Poetic Principle
THE POETIC PRINCIPLE by Edgar Allan Poe IN speaking of the Poetic Principle, I have no design to be either thorough or profound. While discussing, very much at random, the essentiality of what we call Poetry, my principal purpose will be to cite for consideration, some few of those minor English or American poems which […]
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Landor’s Cottage
LANDOR’S COTTAGE by Edgar Allan Poe A Pendant to “The Domain of Arnheim” DURING A pedestrian trip last summer, through one or two of the river counties of New York, I found myself, as the day declined, somewhat embarrassed about the road I was pursuing. The land undulated very remarkably; and my path, for the […]
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Von Kempelen And His Discovery
VON KEMPELEN AND HIS DISCOVERY by Edgar Allan Poe AFTER THE very minute and elaborate paper by Arago, to say nothing of the summary in ‘Silliman’s Journal,’ with the detailed statement just published by Lieutenant Maury, it will not be supposed, of course, that in offering a few hurried remarks in reference to Von Kempelen’s […]
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Mellonta Tauta
MELLONTA TAUTA by Edgar Allan Poe TO THE EDITORS OF THE LADY’S BOOK: I have the honor of sending you, for your magazine, an article which I hope you will be able to comprehend rather more distinctly than I do myself. It is a translation, by my friend, Martin Van Buren Mavis, (sometimes called the […]
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Death of Edgar Allan Poe
DEATH OF EDGAR A. POE By N. P. Willis THE ancient fable of two antagonistic spirits imprisoned in one body, equally powerful and having the complete mastery by turns-of one man, that is to say, inhabited by both a devil and an angel seems to have been realized, if all we hear is true, in […]
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X-Ing A Paragraph
X-ING A PARAGRAPH by Edgar Allan Poe AS it is well known that the ‘wise men’ came ‘from the East,’ and as Mr. Touch-and-go Bullet-head came from the East, it follows that Mr. Bullet-head was a wise man; and if collateral proof of the matter be needed, here we have it—Mr. B. was an editor. […]
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HOP-FROG by Edgar Allan Poe I never knew anyone so keenly alive to a joke as the king was. He seemed to live only for joking. To tell a good story of the joke kind, and to tell it well, was the surest road to his favor. Thus it happened that his seven ministers were […]
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For Annie Poem
FOR ANNIE POEM by Edgar Allan Poe Thank Heaven! the crisis— The danger is past, And the lingering illness Is over at last— And the fever called “Living” Is conquered at last. Sadly, I know I am shorn of my strength, And no muscle I move As I lie at full length— But no matter!—I […]
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To my Mother Poem
TO MY MOTHER POEM by Edgar Allan Poe [His Mother-in-law, Mrs. Clemm.] Because I feel that, in the Heavens above, The angels, whispering to one another, Can find, among their burning terms of love, None so devotional as that of “Mother,” Therefore by that dear name I long have called you— You who are more […]
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Eldorado Poem
ELDORADO POEM by Edgar Allan Poe Gaily bedight, A gallant knight. In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado. But he grew old— This knight so bold— And o’er his heart a shadow Fell as he found No spot of ground That looked like Eldorado. And, as his […]
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A Dream within a Dream Poem
A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM POEM by Edgar Allan Poe Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow— You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a […]
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Annabel Lee Poem
ANNABEL LEE POEM by Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. I was […]
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