J. M. Barrie – The Inconsiderate Waiter
The Inconsiderate Waiter by James Matthew Barrie The Inconsiderate Waiter from The Illustrated London News Christmas Number 1891. THE INCONSIDERATE WAITER By J. M. BARRIE Frequently I have to ask myself in the street for the name of the man I bowed to just now, and then, before I can answer, the wind of the […]
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A. C. Doyle – A Sordid Affair
A Sordid Affair by Arthur Conan Doyle A Sordid Affair by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Published in People, 29 November 1891. A Sordid Affair “My dear, what a perfectly charming bodice! I mean the Louis Quinze with the vest of white chiffon de soie.” “Ah, but do look at that skirt of old rose silk, […]
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Helen Mathers – The Fate of Fenella Chapter I : Fenella
The Fate of Fenella Chapter I : Fenella by Helen Mathers The Fate of Fenella Contents The Fate of Fenella Chapter I : Fenella The Fate of Fenella Chapter II : Kismet The Fate of Fenella Chapter III : How it Strikes a Contemporary The Fate of Fenella Chapter IV : Between Two Fires The […]
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A. C. Doyle – The Five Orange Pips : Sherlock Holmes
The Five Orange Pips : The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Five Orange Pips by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle First published in The Strand Magazine, November 1891 First book appearance in The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, 1892 Sherlock Holmes The Five Orange Pips When I glance over my notes and records […]
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Lewis Carroll – Puck Lost and Found Poem
Puck Lost and Found Poem by Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) Poetry from Three Sunsets and Other Poems. Puck Lost and Found Poem Puck has fled the haunts of men: Ridicule has made him wary: In the woods, and down the glen, No one meets a Fairy! “Cream!” the greedy Goblin cries— Empties the deserted dairy— […]
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A. C. Doyle – The Boscombe Valley Mystery : Sherlock Holmes
The Boscombe Valley Mystery : The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Boscombe Valley Mystery by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle First published in The Strand Magazine, October 1891 First book appearance in The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, 1892 Sherlock Holmes The Boscombe Valley Mystery We were seated at breakfast one morning, my […]
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A. C. Doyle – A Case of Identity : Sherlock Holmes
A Case of Identity : The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle A Case of Identity by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle First published in The Strand Magazine, September 1891 First book appearance in The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, 1892 Sherlock Holmes A Case of Identity “My dear fellow,” said Sherlock Holmes as we […]
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A. C. Doyle – The Red-Headed League : Sherlock Holmes
The Red-Headed League : The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Red-Headed League by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle First published in The Strand Magazine, August 1891 First book appearance in The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, 1892 Sherlock Holmes The Red-Headed League I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day […]
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A. C. Doyle – The Colonel’s Choice
The Colonel’s Choice by Arthur Conan Doyle The Colonel’s Choice by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Published in Lloyd’s Weekly London Newspaper, 26 July 1891. The Colonel’s Choice There was some surprise in Birchespool when so quiet and studious a man as Colonel Bolsover became engaged to the very dashing and captivating Miss Hilda Thornton. And […]
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A. C. Doyle – A Scandal in Bohemia : Sherlock Holmes
A Scandal in Bohemia : The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle A Scandal in Bohemia by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle First published in The Strand Magazine, July 1891 First book appearance in The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, 1892 A Scandal in Bohemia Contents A Scandal in Bohemia Chapter I A Scandal in […]
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J. M. Barrie – The Little Minister
The Little Minister by James Matthew Barrie THE LITTLE MINISTER BY J. M. BARRIE AUTHOR OF “WINDOW IN THRUMS,” “AULD LIGHT IDYLLS,” “WHEN A MAN’S SINGLE.” ETC. THE LITTLE MINISTER CONTENTS The Little Minister Chapter I. The Love-Light The Little Minister Chapter II. Runs Alongside the Making of a Minister The Little Minister Chapter III. […]
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A. C. Doyle – The Voice of Science
The Voice of Science by Arthur Conan Doyle The Voice of Science by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Published in Strand Magazine, March 1891. The Voice of Science Mrs. Esdaile, of the Lindens, Birchespool, was a lady of quite remarkable scientific attainments. As honorary secretary of the ladies’ branch of the local Eclectic Society, she shone […]
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